Mr Mrinal Saharay takes over Mr David Johnston’s and Mr Clive Hepworth’s Practice on their retirement
Mr David Johnston wrote to his colleagues and General Practitioners:
“I am writing to let you know that I shall shortly be retiring from clinical practice.
I am very happy that I have been able to make arrangements for Mr Mrinal Saharay to take over my practice and the ongoing care of my patients. I have known Mrinal for many years, and I hold him in the highest regard. He practises the full range of procedures which I do, including Endoscopy, Colonoscopy, Hernia Operations, Gallstones, and Bowel Surgery etc. More importantly, perhaps, he is kind, sympathetic, understanding and caring in his attitude to the patients, and is very skilled from a surgical technical point of view, with excellent outcomes and results and very few complications.
Accordingly, I am very pleased that he will be taking over the care of my patients, and to know that they will be looked after in the manner I would wish.
I commend him to you as my successor.
My secretary Chrissie will be working for Mr Saharay for the foreseeable future to facilitate the handover.
Finally, I would like to thank you most sincerely for your support over the years, and for the very many referrals that you have sent.
With kindest regards and very best wishes for the future.”

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